Energetic Cord Cutting Workbook

Learn what energetic cord cutting is, and how it supports your healing journey so you may live a fulfilled and empowered life of love!

Release energetic blockages and ties to unwanted energy, allowing yourself to thrive with confidence and love in all areas of your life!

Release the ties which bind you to your past, and feel the freedom of your future.

– Faye Logan 

Learn the spiritual modality of energetic cord cutting! A divine practice to identify and release negative attachments ranging from past romantic relationships right through to limiting beliefs. 


When you identify and release blockages and attachments, you step into a world of fulfilment, happiness and love. You feel the freedom of making your own decisions and your intuition is heightened. 

Delve into your healing journey with this interactive workbook, which includes practice and reflection modules with techniques to support your growth on a personal and professional level.


This workbook covers:

  • What energetic cord cutting is
  • How to energetically cut cords
  • The benefits of cord cutting
  • Techniques to practice yourself
  • Discovery questions to enhance your own spiritual connections and healing journey

Founder - soul academy by Faye

Faye Toorenburg

I remember as a little girl I was always connecting to the Divine. Although I didn't fully understand that it was extraordinary until I was in my early teenage years, it always felt special. Over the years I have honed in on my gifts; explored, unravelled, understood and defined my abilities, and the more I work on myself, the more I connected to other souls who are just like me - connected, yet somewhat confused by the magic within themselves. My passion for spiritual development and supporting the spiritual community is my driving force in my personal and professional life. As long as I can remember, I've always been listening, supporting and advising those around me. In recent years, the spiritual messages for my clients have focused on soul and business alignment, growth and development - this is where my desire to mentor others has grown into one of the most sought-after areas of my services, and I LOVE watching so many souls grow after connecting them to their own magic! I look forward to many more years of creating magic, sharing soulful guidance and supporting the light workers all around the world. 

Remember, everything you need already lives within you.